my grandad couldn’t get over the fact that people pay me to talk to them.
I always told him that there’s a little more to it than that.
If I had my way, my “official” title would be “Queen of ALL things Practical and Profitable”... and I would never be called a coach… although I suppose there are worst things I could be called, like:
Relentless. I am relentlessly committed to a “NO excuses. JUST results.” mentality. I demand it of myself. And my clients. (Quick note: I believe this serves as “fair warning”.)
A Little “Off”. Off the beaten path for sure… The analogies and stories you’ll hear from me, I GUARANTEE you’ll never hear anywhere else. I don’t think, talk, or write like anyone else you know. But, I usually have a point.
Offensive. If you are easily offended, you are better off clicking that little “x” in the top right of this web window. How offensive? I am known for writing the FIRST EVER business report based on the marketing tactics of drug dealers and prostitutes. Don’t bother with hate mail. I am (almost) immune to criticism – almost.
Simple. To a fault. I am an educated woman… a college graduate even… (GO HOKIES!!) But, I have no tolerance nor time for conventional wisdom or academic theory… not in the world of business. If it isn’t immediately applicable, practical and profitable, I’m not interested. Real-world strategies. Right – now solutions. No fluff. No junk. No fillers. No kidding.
But, in my defense, I could also be called:
Passionate. I am a passion-fueled entrepreneur whose love of all things “business” can be traced to the birth of my first child. My own business – created from scratch without a CLUE about what I was “supposed to do” – allowed me to work at home and be the Mom I set out to be. I am forever grateful. I am wildly, unreasonably, and palpably passionate about FOUR things… and four things ONLY: My faith… My “Mister”… My (3) kids… and My work. In that order.
A Renegade. Entrepreneurial success is messy… and you won’t make it following the beaten path. Follow the herd, and you’ll NEVER BE HEARD. Being a renegade – in our current economy – is not only recommended, it is a pre-requisite. Success should be created your own way. It must be.
Profit-Driven. I’m in business and so are you. This means we are here to make a profit. A healthy one. I focus on income streams (creating more of them), marketing (defined as getting money in HERE, not getting your name out THERE), sales (closing more of them and learning to love an authentic sales process!), and my piece de resistance: writing copy that sells.
A Bridge. I build a bridge for coaches, speakers, experts, consultants, and other soloprenuers between their passion and potential and their profit. It’s that simple.
Enough about me…. What about my work? What happens when we work together?
Magic. Or, at least that’s how it seems. Here’s how it works:
1. A business owner comes to me. They are either just starting out in business (meaning they have this IDEA that won’t go away) or they’ve been in business for quite some time. If the latter is true, they are typically either realizing that what USED to work isn’t working anymore… or they’re just READY to step up their game, create new income streams, or just create something unreasonable.
2. We work together to increase your income. We uncover hidden income streams, create premium packaging and high end services (as well as more “affordable options” for your market), and craft messaging that produces the desired result: more sales. We focus on what’s practical and profitable. What we do makes sense, even if it seems a bit counter-intuitive… so, we eliminate the time and money thieves called fear, hesitation, and second-guessing.
3. I support this entire process with a comprehensive array of copy-rific materials. Copy. That’s my real expertise. Copy for me is about messaging…. and sales. So, I create web copy, conversational copy, sales scripts, proposal copy, and all sorts of support materials to get the job done.
4. We AIM, FIRE, and then adjust. If we waited for everything to be perfect and complete with a guarantee of success, we’d never do anything. So, we strategize, take action, and then re-assess. It’s what’s I find beautiful about small businesses: our agility.
So, what about YOU? Should we meet?
Have you literally spent thousands of dollars on expensive advertising, but have yet to see a substantial return on your investment?
Have you found traditional networking and advertising entirely UNprofitable?
Are you sick of experts selling you “success in a box” that NEVER changes YOUR bottom line?
Do you love your business, but feel like it just needs a “jumpstart” in terms of generating more clients and profit and a steadier income?
If so, yes. We have to meet. Email me and we’ll set something up.